I found the solution to my problem by using @evogennutrition’s products. Making smoothies was the best way to get my greens and vegetables. Evogen offers a supplement called evogreens that contains 6 servings of fruit and vegetables, plus probiotics specifically designed to meet the needs of athletes who train hard. It was designed to strategically select ingredients that would not only nourish and detoxify the body but also to speed up overall recovery and well-being. We wanted to change the perception of functional “green” products. EVOGREENS Spirulina, one of the oldest forms of life on Earth, was our goal. This blue-green microalgae, which is blue-green in color, is responsible for the production of oxygen in the atmosphere of the planet that allowed life to evolve billions years ago. Spirulina, the first superfood on Earth, is also one of the richest foods in nutrients.
It gives you a quick boost of energy and can also help with fatigue reduction and endurance. It improves the immune system and supports the liver, kidneys, and heart. Spirulina can also be used to detoxify the body and remove toxins or other impurities from the body that could cause illness.
Spirulina can also be used to suppress your appetite and improve your digestive system. Spirulina is also a powerful antioxidant and helps to balance the pH of the body, possibly reducing inflammation. All of this is extremely beneficial for a hard-training athlete. This is why Evogen includes an extraordinarily high amount Spirulina as EVOGREENS. When combined with a proper exercise program and nutrition plan. Before using this or any other diet supplement, please consult your doctor. It has 2 grams of powder per serving. I love the combination of chocolate and berries so I made a morning smoothie with it. This product is a great solution for anyone who has the same problem.
Here’s another link so you can save money and get some greens