What are the health benefits of Thai massage?

Stress is not necessarily bad. Often, stress can act as a positive motivator that might help push people to perform better and accomplish more in their personal and professional lives.

However, too much stress can negatively affect mental and physical health. Chronic, or long-lasting, stress can lead to serious illnesses, including depression and cardiovascular disease.

Thai massage uses gentle pressure and stretching techniques to relax the body. A found that Thai massage significantly reduces levels of a certain stress marker present in the saliva, called sAA.

The researchers concluded that Thai massage is more effective at reducing stress in healthy people than simply resting.

2. Boosts energy

Research has shown that Thai massage can increase people’s physical energy levels. One randomized trial examined the effects of Thai and Swedish massages in people who were experiencing fatigue. The results revealed that Thai massage increased energy and mental stimulation, while Swedish …

Oral Health Problems

The Different Types of Dentists and the Services They Provide

There are various types of dentists that people go to depending on their oral health problem. This article lists four of them. Read on to learn what kinds of services each one provides.

General Dentist

Offering preventive care and disease diagnosis, a general dentist is the primary oral care provider for most people. These professionals have earned a Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD) or Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from an accredited school. They can perform various types of dental works, including diagnostic examinations for periodontal diseases, several cosmetic procedures, and some minor operations. Restorative services, such as fitting crowns, bridges, and fillings, are among the scope of their services. A general dentist can also perform tooth extractions and minor oral surgeries, such as tooth implants and root canals.


An orthodontist is a dental care provider …

How Mold Growth Can Affect Your Health

Recent winter storms have wreaked havoc on many homes and businesses in many areas of the country. Even home and business owners who have never had issues from these storms have experienced damage from water penetrating their homes or businesses. Water damage should always be closely inspected even if it appears to be minor, the resulting mould growth poses a major health hazard to everyone and mold removal may be required.

Mould needs certain conditions to grow as follows: moisture ( liquid water ) food ( typically starch or sugar ) temperature ( between 41 and 104 degrees ) and finally oxygen. The last 2 are primarily found in an indoor environment. As for the food source it’s readily available in the backing of drywall or even in the particles of water make the addition of moisture into the wall cavity something that requires immediate attention.

Water damage from winter …

Increasing Your Health With A Dedicated Fitness Regime

Whether you just want to lose a few pounds or if you want to do a triathlon, fitness should be an important part of everyone’s life. This article provides tips to help you get and stay fit, no matter what kind of shape you are in right now.

When you exercise, try exercising with other people. The group dynamic has been shown to grant greater endurance and more energy to the individuals in the group. In effect, you will find yourself working harder and exercising more regularly when others are involved. It is also harder to skip workouts when others know that you are supposed to be exercising.

If working out in a gym bores you, you are not alone. Don’t be discouraged to see other people fervently exercising in the gym. People are different, tastes are different. What one person loves, is not necessarily what you will love. It …

Wellness Strategies And Suggestions 101: Making Health Happen In 2018

Typically, people decide to get healthy at some point in life and then procrastinate about implementing the lifestyle changes necessary to make wellness real. In other cases, individuals implement specific suggestions but find that the modalities aren’t particularly effective or helpful. If either of these situations is true for you, now is the time to give getting healthy another go. To get on the road to making health happen in 2018, try using some or all of the following wellness strategies and suggestions:

  1. Consider Veganism.

One wellness strategy that may be of big benefit to you if you’re serious about making health happen in 2018 is considering veganism. Right now, most people are consuming a Standard American Diet (SAD) which does not include the amount of vegetables and fruits required for the brain and other body systems to function optimally. One great way to ensure that you’re consistently attaining the …