Children’s Trauma Therapy With Garden Metaphors

I locate that lawn metaphors are beneficial in treating youngsters which are recuperating from trauma. This simplest takes a small lawn area or maybe a patio with potted flowers. Children locate extraordinary satisfaction in planting matters and looking them develop. In the procedure they’ll watch a few flowers thrive and bring flora and fruit whilst different flowers struggle. Some flowers as an example do now no longer do nicely withinside the solar and want to be moved to the color. Others want timber chips lightly positioned round them for safety. Some flowers can also additionally begin to die however whilst given the vital water or color slowly got here returned to life.

I see many baby trauma sufferers which have skilled a couple of actions and failed placements. Here are some training which are significant to them.

Plants cannot develop robust in the event that they acquire bad care. Children …

Stem Cells and Stem Cell Therapy: Everything You Need To Know

What Are Stem Cells? 

Stem cells are cells that can turn into other cells. The process involves meticulous engineering in a laboratory until the cells divide and create daughter cells. These turn into specialized cells with specific functions that assist in regeneration in certain areas of the body. That is why it is used for treatment by specialists in a regenerative center to help patients with complications in areas like the heart, blood, bones, and muscles.

Throughout the years, researchers have found that there are many sources of stem cells. These sources come from certain essential parts of the human body that have evolved in varying stages of development. These include: 

  • Embryonic Stem Cells

These are stem cells harvested safely from embryos in their early stages or at least three to five days old. At this stage, it is called a blastocyst, which is identified as pluripotent as it can …

4 Benefits of Cryolifting Therapy for Your Skin

Cryolifting therapy is one of the newest non-surgical methods for an instant facelift. It’s a natural treatment method where liquid nitrogen is pumped into the skin’s problem areas for about three minutes using a carboxy spray. The process is also called CooLifting, and estheticians sometimes call it Frotox.

Here’s how cryolifting benefits your skin.

1. Cryotherapy Enhances the Production of Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. Collagen is responsible for providing structure to your skin to keep it elastic, supple, and strong. This structural protein is also responsible for replacing dead skin cells that can form comedones when they combine with sebum produced by the skin. Comedones are identified as small bumps that form on the skin’s surface and include whiteheads, blackheads, or other types of macro and micro comedones. Collagen stimulates the replacement of dead skin cells to keep your skin radiant and moisturized.

Without collagen, skin sags, wrinkles, and facial lines start to appear. Sadly, our bodies produce less collagen as we age, and this causes wrinkles to form. Cryolifting therapy stimulates the production of collagen when your body isn’t generating enough. CooLifting cryotherapy is the safest …

New study suggests proton therapy for lung cancer lowers risk of heart disease

When treating lung cancer with radiation therapy, there is a significant concern that the treatment dose will expose the heart to excess radiation. One way to avoid this unnecessary radiation is by using proton therapy, a more precise form of radiation therapy as compared to traditional radiation therapy (x-rays/photons).

Researchers now say there is a link between lung cancer proton therapy and a reduced risk of certain heart diseases, including mini-strokes and heart attacks.


The findings of a new study from Penn Medicine were presented at the American Society for Radiation Oncology’s (ASTRO) annual meeting in October by Timothy Kegelman, MD, PhD, chief resident in the department of Radiation Oncology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Kegelman and his team of researchers followed more than 200 patients who underwent either proton therapy or traditional radiation therapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. The retrospective …

Can Stem Cell Therapy Work for Sports Injuries?

Becoming sidelined due to a sports injury is frustrating at best for athletes. At worst, acute injuries can become debilitating or career-threatening if left untreated. Some may require invasive procedures, which require significant downtime to make a complete recovery. Recently, however, athletes across the world have started considering regenerative medicine, also known as stem cell therapy, as a potential, non-invasive treatment option.

Athletes Turning to Stem Cell Therapy

Sports medicine encompasses the treatment of the joints and muscles, which is now starting to leverage regenerative therapies. For instance, stem cell therapy for sports and athletic injury has the potential to repair and regenerate ligaments, cartilage, and tendons, which can wear out and have poor ability to regenerate on their own. When delivered directly into the affected tissue, stem cells target the injury, releasing anti-inflammatory and differentiating into the types of cells needed to support joint repair.

Athletes across different sports …

What Can You Expect From Therapy

There may be a time when you realize you need some help and are wondering what to expect from counselling Victoria BC. The prospect of sharing details about your life can feel overwhelming, here are 7 things to set your mind at ease when starting therapy.

  1. Safety- It may be slightly frightening going to therapy you may feel you may be judged, what you will find is an atmosphere of safety, acceptance and warmth to help you heal.
  2. Commonality- You want a therapist who can identify with your hopes, dreams and wishes as well as the anger, frustration, worries, fears or sadness you may be feeling. To feel you have both may have shared some of these experiences, to feel your therapist doesn’t have it all together.
  3. Curiosity and Empathy – Your therapist is not a mind reader, you want them to show a non-judgemental curiosity about your inner

What Are the Benefits of Family Therapy ?

Everyone acquires certain vocabularies, habits and customs from their family. People that are fortunate enough to grow in healthy families tend to have better relationships than those in dysfunctional families. Luckily, it is possible to address any issues in a family and regain a sense of family love and oneness through family therapy. Family therapy can be helpful in getting a family through a rough patch. The techniques used depend on individual needs and composition of the family. It does not have to be used only on blood relatives. It is applied on people that play long-term roles on each other’s lives.

Benefits Of Family Therapy

  • It Helps To Resolve Issues

It is common to have issues in families. Some of them may be too complex for families to handle on their own. They result to frustration, bitterness and strained interactions. They could arise from a variety of issues including